1. Contact www.depernolaw.com NEW YORK (MainStreet) – If you're being audited by the Internal Revenue Service this year, you're either an unlucky or extremely unfortunate individual.
Budget cuts have steadily decreased the number of IRS audits from 1.4 million in 2013 to 1.2 million last year. IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told reporters in January that the number of audits would fall again this year after continued belt-tightening. With the IRS budget falling 17% in the past five years, the number of audits this year is expected to hover around 1 million. Koskinen noted that his agency has left an estimated $6 billion to $8 billion on the table since 2010 because its enforcement division is understaffed by roughly 5,000 fewer employees than it needs. Further staff reductions should leave another $2 billion uncollected this year. This isn't exactly making life easier on the few folks who do get audited. In fact, it makes a certain few increasingly subject to scrutiny. Read More When a company is formed, the choice of entity – "C" or "S" corporation, limited liability company, limited or general partnership or professional corporation – has serious consequences. Other important considerations include the state in which the business is organized, legal and capital structuring, and negotiation of ownership. Mr. DePerno's objective is to facilitate maximum return with minimum tax cost, while ensuring the ability to raise capital and establish effective management.
Matthew S. DePerno, Esq.Tax Archives
April 2017
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